Stern E and Menoher NP
Journal American Medical Women’s Assoc. 1954 9: 343-349.
Cytologic detection of uterine cancer in a cancer detection clinic.

Stern E
Cancer. 1958 11: 122-26.
Cytologic screening for cervical cancer: comparative findings in a 6-year survey of a well population.

Stern E
Cancer. 1959 12: 933-37.
Rate, stage and patient age in cervical cancer, an analysis of age-specific discovery rates for atypical hyperplasia, in situ cancer, and invasive cancer in a well population.

Stern E, Dixon WJ
Cancer. 1961 14: 153-60.
Cancer of the cervix, a biometric approach to etiology.

Stern E, Neely PM
Journal of the American Medical Women’s Assoc. 1962 (guest editor) 17: 739-40.
Cancer of the cervix in reference to circumcision and marital history.

Stern E, Longo L
Acta Cytol. 1963 7: 295-99.
Identification of herpes simplex virus in a case showing cytological features of viral vaginitis.
Year Book of Pathology and Clinical Pathology 1963-64 444-45.

Stern E, Neely PM
Acta Cytol. 1963 7: 357-6.
Carcinoma and dysplasia of the cervix, a comparison of rates for new and returning popuations.

Evans RB, Stern E, Marmorston J
Cancer. 1964 17: 307-13
Some psychological characteristics in men with cancer.
Psychosomatic Medicine current journal articles 1971.

Stern E, Neely PM
Cancer. 1964 17:508-12.
Dysplasia of the uterine cervix, incidence of regression, recurrence, and cancer.
Year Book of Cancer. 1964-65 453-55.

Stern E, Hopkins CE, Weiner JM, Marmorston J
Science. 1964 145: 716-19.
Hormone excretion patterns in breast and prostate cancer are abnormal.

Marmorston J, Lombardo Jr. LJ, Myers SM, Gierson H, Stern E, Hopkins CE
J. Urol 1965 93: 276-86.
Urinary excretion of neutral 17 ketosteroids and pregnanediol of patients with prostatic cancer and benign prostatic hypertrophy.

Marmorston J, Lombardo Jr. LJ, Myers SM, Gierson H, Stern E, Hopkins CE
J. Urol 1965 93: 287-95.
Urinary excretion of estorne, estradiol and estriol by patients with prostatic cancer and benign prostatic hypertrophy.

Marmorston J, Crowley LG, Myers SM, Stern E, Hopkins CE
Am J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1965 92: 447-59.
Urinary excretion of neutral 17 ketosteroids and pregnanediol by patients with breast cancer and benign breast disease.

Marmoston J, Crowley LG, Myers SM, Stern E, Hopkins CE
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1965 92: 460-67.
Urinary excretion of estrone, estradiol and estriol by patients with breast cancer and benign breast disease.

Evans RB, Stern E, Marmorston J
Psychol. Rep. 1965 17: 715-21.
Psychological-hormonal relationships in men with cancer.

Marmorston J, Gierson HW, Myers SM, Stern E
Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 1965 92: 404-16.
Urinary excretion of neutral 17 ketosteroids and pregnanediol by patients with lung cancer and emphysema.

Marmorston J, Gierson HW, Myers SM, Stern E
Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 1965 92: 417-27.
Urinary excretion of estrone, estradiol, and estriol by patients with lung cancer and emphysema.

Stern E, Mickey R, Osvaldo L
Nature. 1965 206: 369-71.
Lactogenesis in the androgen-sterile rat: augmentation with DMBA.

Stern E, Crowley LG, Weiner JM, Hopkins CE, Marmorston J
Acta Cytol. 1966 10: 110-118.
Correlation of vaginal smear patterns with urinary hormone excretion.

Weiner JM, Marmorston J, Stern E, Hopkins CE
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1966 125: 974-83.
Urinary hormone metabolites in cancer and benign hyperplasia of the prostate: a multi-variate statistical analysis.

Marmorston J, Hopkins CE, Weiner JM, Stern E
Cancer. 1966 19: 985-95.
Abnormalities in urinary hormone patterns in lung cancer and emphysema.

Stern E, Lachenbruch PA, Dixon WJ
Cancer. 1967 20: 190-201.
Cancer of the uterine cervix. II. A biometric approach to etiology.

Stern E, Mickey R, Osvaldo L
Prodeedings of the First International Symposium on Biorhythms in Clinical and Experimental Endocrinology. May 30-31,1966, Florence Italy.
1967 Rassegna di Neurologia Vegetativa 21: 99-117.
Tumorigenesis in the androgen-sterile rat: reciprocal incidence of carcinogen-induced mammary gland and ovarian tumors.

Stern E, Mickey MR
Nature. 1967 216: 185-87.
Neural mechanism in induction of dioestrus and tumor in the androgen-sterile rat.

Stern E, Lachenbruch P
J. Chronic Dis. 1968 21: 117-24.
Circumcision information in a cancer detection center population.

Stern E
Obstet. Gynecol. Surv. 1969 24: 711-23.
Epidemiology of cervical dysplasia.
Year Book of Cancer 1971: 349-51.

Alfin-Slater RB, Aftergood L, Hernandez HJ, Stern E, Melnick D
J. Am Chem. Soc. 1969 46: 493-97.
Studies of long-term administration of aflatoxin to rats as a natural food contaminant.

Stern E, Mickey MR
Br. J. Cancer. 1969 23: 391-400.
Effects of a cyclic steroid contraceptive regimen on mammary gland tumor induction in rats.

Stern E, Mickey MR, Gorski R
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1969 164: 494-508.
Neuroendocrine factors in experimental carcinogenesis.

Stern E, Mickey MR
Acta Cytologica. July-August 1970 14: 382-385.
Vaginal cytology in a study of cumulative effects of an oral contraceptive; acid mucopolysaccharide and keratin as indicators for cycle stages.

Stern E, Clark V, Coffelt CF
Science. 1970 169: 497-98.
Contraceptives and dysplasia: higher rate for pill choosers.
MSS Information Corp. 1973 Pathological Effects of Oral Contraceptives.

Stern E, Clark V, Coffelt CF
Am. J. Public Health. 1971 61(3): 553-58.
Contraceptive methods: selective factors in a study of dysplasia of the cervix.

Stern E, Coffelt CF, Youkeles L, Forsythe A
J. Reprod. Med. 1973 10(4) 177-83.
Steroid contraception and dysplasia of the cervix: an interim report.

Stern E
Cancer Research. 1973 33: 1368-78.
Cytohistopathology of cervical cancer.

Stern E, Shankman P, Coffelt CF, Youkeles L, Forsythe A
Contraception. 1973 7 (5): 436-441.
Contraceptive choice and dysplasia: changes following the 1970 Senate hearings.

Stern E, Forsythe A, Youkeles L, Dixon WJ
Cancer Res. 1974 34: 2358-2361.
A cytological scale for cervical carcinogenesis.

Stern E, Clark V, Coffelt C, Shankman P
Compendium on Population: Dynamics, Ethics, and Policy, American
Association for the Advancement of Science. 1974 162-63.
Contraceptives and dysplasia: higher rate for pill choosers.

Youkeles L, Forsythe AB, Stern E
Cancer Res. 1976 36: 2080-84.
Evaluation of Papanicolaou smear and effect of sample biopsy in follow-up of cervical dysplasia.

Stern E, Misczynski M, Damus K, Greenland S, Coulson A
Am J. Epid. 1977 106: 414.
Prevalence of Pap testing and hysterectomy – a survey in communities with low and high rates of cervical cancer.

Stern E, Misczynski M, Damus K, Coulson A
National Cancer Institute Monograph. 1977 47: 113-19.
Pap testing and hysterectomy prevalence in low-income communities: a survey in Los Angeles County.
Epidemiology and Cancer Registries in the Pacific Basin.

Stern E, Forsythe AB, Youkeles L, CF Coffelt
Science. 1977 196: 1460-62.
Steroid contraceptive use and cervical dysplasia: increased risk of progression.


Emergency Medicine October 1977
Modern Medicine January 1978
Family Planning Perspectives 1978 10(4)
International Family Planning Perspectives 1978 4 (2)

Misczynski M, E Stern
Medical Care XVIII 1979 (3): 304-13.
Detection of cervical and breast cancer: a community-based pilot study.

Rosenthal DL, Stern E, McLatchie C, Wu A, Lagasse LD, Wall R, Castleman KR
Anal Quant Cytol. 1979 Jul-Aug 1 (2): 84-88.
A simple method of producing a mono layer of cervical cells for digital image processing.

Rosenthal DL, McLatchie C, Stern E, White Bs, Castleman KR
Acta Cytol. 1982 Mar-Apr; 26 (2): 115-20.
Endocervical columnar cell atypia coincident with cervical neoplasia characterized by digital image analysis.

Stern E. Rosenthal DL, MaLatchie C, White BS, Castleman KR
Anal Quant Cytol. 1982 Jun; 4 (2): 110-4.
An expanded cervical cell classification system validated by automated measurements.